CSCS Green Card

The CSCS is the exam you must pass to become a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist.
The test is very challenging and requires a lot of preparation. You are required to have a bachelor’s
degree to even sit for the exam which is what separates it from other certifications. According to the NSCA,
5,000 participants attempted the exam in 2022. Only 38% of these participants passed both sections of the exam.
We have decided to put together some tips to help you better prepare for test day!

#cscsgreencard #cscsgreencardlondon #cscsgreenlabourercard #cscsconstructiongreencard
CSCS Green Card The CSCS is the exam you must pass to become a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. The test is very challenging and requires a lot of preparation. You are required to have a bachelor’s degree to even sit for the exam which is what separates it from other certifications. According to the NSCA, 5,000 participants attempted the exam in 2022. Only 38% of these participants passed both sections of the exam. We have decided to put together some tips to help you better prepare for test day! #cscsgreencard #cscsgreencardlondon #cscsgreenlabourercard #cscsconstructiongreencard
6 Tips to Prepping for the CSCS Exam - Gliss Training
Taking the certification exam can be a daunting task for aspiring performance coaches. Gliss Training is here to help with 6 tips to plan your CSCS exam prep.
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