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    No muscle is tight because its tight, there is a bigger picture behind it. Smashing it alone won’t bring much permanent changes.

    Do you feel tired all the time? Do you feel out of breath after doing a simple activity? Come and get assessed for your breathing capability and capacity. Believe it or not , most people are breathing in too much! We use techniques from Postural Restoration Institute (PRI) to help you restore proper breathing mechanics.

    Clean up your movement deficits with our objective assessment protocol to restore Range of Motion to improve your sporting activities or simply improve your daily movement.

    We believe that classes for group fitness training should be kept small enough so that adequate attention can be given to each participant of the group. Each group session will consist of no more than 8 persons.
    BENEFITS OF RAW’S SPORTS REHAB THERAPY INDIVIDUALIZED ASSESSMENT No muscle is tight because its tight, there is a bigger picture behind it. Smashing it alone won’t bring much permanent changes. RESTORE PROPER BREATHING MECHANICS Do you feel tired all the time? Do you feel out of breath after doing a simple activity? Come and get assessed for your breathing capability and capacity. Believe it or not , most people are breathing in too much! We use techniques from Postural Restoration Institute (PRI) to help you restore proper breathing mechanics. MANUAL THERAPY Clean up your movement deficits with our objective assessment protocol to restore Range of Motion to improve your sporting activities or simply improve your daily movement. RESTORE PROPER MOVEMENT MECHANICS We believe that classes for group fitness training should be kept small enough so that adequate attention can be given to each participant of the group. Each group session will consist of no more than 8 persons.
    Sports Therapy
    Get the best care for your injuries with RAW's expert sport therapists in Singapore. Our sports therapy is designed to help you heal and get back in the game.
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    Your weight is not an accurate indicator of your fitness level. When you lose weight, it can mean you are losing muscle mass or body water and not the fat in your body. Instead of using a body fat calculator, we make use of a non-invasive electrical pulse to analyze and measure your body composition which consists of Total Body Water, Protein, Minerals, and Body Fat Mass. Together with 4 other sets of analysis, our Body Composition Analysis will aid you in gaining a comprehensive insight into your body composition. You will have a clearer idea of how to achieve a healthy balanced ratio of fats and muscles in your body. And this is how to measure body fat percentage for our personal training service. Our professional personal trainers will also be able to personalize structured training that is more effective and targeted.

    The Muscle-Fat Analysis compares the bar lengths of Skeletal Muscle Mass and Body Fat Mass. The longer the Skeletal Muscle Mass is compared to the Body Fat Mass bar, the stronger the body is.

    Body Mass Index (BMI) is an index used to determine obesity by using height and weight. Percent Body Fat (PBF) is the percentage of body fat compared to body weight.

    InBody segmental lean analysis evaluates whether the amount of muscles is adequately distributed to all parts of the body. Compare muscle mass to current weight.

    The segmental fat analysis evaluates whether the amount of fat is adequately distributed throughout the body. Compares the fat mass to the ideal.
    BODY COMPOSITION ANALYSIS Your weight is not an accurate indicator of your fitness level. When you lose weight, it can mean you are losing muscle mass or body water and not the fat in your body. Instead of using a body fat calculator, we make use of a non-invasive electrical pulse to analyze and measure your body composition which consists of Total Body Water, Protein, Minerals, and Body Fat Mass. Together with 4 other sets of analysis, our Body Composition Analysis will aid you in gaining a comprehensive insight into your body composition. You will have a clearer idea of how to achieve a healthy balanced ratio of fats and muscles in your body. And this is how to measure body fat percentage for our personal training service. Our professional personal trainers will also be able to personalize structured training that is more effective and targeted. MUSCLE-FAT ANALYSIS The Muscle-Fat Analysis compares the bar lengths of Skeletal Muscle Mass and Body Fat Mass. The longer the Skeletal Muscle Mass is compared to the Body Fat Mass bar, the stronger the body is. OBESITY ANALYSIS Body Mass Index (BMI) is an index used to determine obesity by using height and weight. Percent Body Fat (PBF) is the percentage of body fat compared to body weight. SEGMENTAL LEAN ANALYSIS InBody segmental lean analysis evaluates whether the amount of muscles is adequately distributed to all parts of the body. Compare muscle mass to current weight. SEGMENTAL FAT ANALYSIS The segmental fat analysis evaluates whether the amount of fat is adequately distributed throughout the body. Compares the fat mass to the ideal.
    Body Composition Analysis
    Together with four other sets of analysis, our Body Composition Analysis will aid you in gaining a comprehensive insight into your body composition.
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    Carrying excess weight comes with several downsides. It can lead to a lack of energy, a feeling of being out of shape, negative impacts on your health, and most significantly, it can lower your self-esteem due to dissatisfaction with your appearance.

    To address these issues and get back in shape quickly, why not consider enrolling in our fat loss training program? With our expert guidance and tailored workouts, you can lose those extra pounds and improve your overall health and well-being.

    Our Fat Loss program is designed to be both safe and effective, providing you with ways to lose excess body fat. Our experienced fat loss trainer will assess your unique problem areas and recommend personalized training routines to help you eliminate unwanted fat. In addition to our training, our dedicated fitness trainers and weight loss coach will be on hand to provide guidance, support, and motivation throughout the program.
    FAT LOSS TRAINING Carrying excess weight comes with several downsides. It can lead to a lack of energy, a feeling of being out of shape, negative impacts on your health, and most significantly, it can lower your self-esteem due to dissatisfaction with your appearance. To address these issues and get back in shape quickly, why not consider enrolling in our fat loss training program? With our expert guidance and tailored workouts, you can lose those extra pounds and improve your overall health and well-being. Our Fat Loss program is designed to be both safe and effective, providing you with ways to lose excess body fat. Our experienced fat loss trainer will assess your unique problem areas and recommend personalized training routines to help you eliminate unwanted fat. In addition to our training, our dedicated fitness trainers and weight loss coach will be on hand to provide guidance, support, and motivation throughout the program.
    Fat Loss Training
    RAW Active's fat loss trainers and weight loss coaches provide personalized training sessions in Singapore to help you achieve your weight loss goals.
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  • Perks and Challenges of Personal Training Jobs

    Personal training is a rewarding and fulfilling career choice for those who are passionate about fitness and helping others achieve their goals. However, like any job, there are both perks and challenges that come with being a personal trainer. In this article, we will break down the pros and cons of personal training jobs to help you decide if it is the right career path for you.

    The Perks of Personal Training Jobs

    Flexibility and Autonomy

    One of the biggest perks of being a personal trainer is the flexibility and autonomy it offers. Unlike a traditional 9-5 job, personal trainers have the freedom to create their own schedules and work with clients at times that are convenient for both parties. This allows for a better work-life balance and the ability to pursue other interests or hobbies.

    Helping Others Achieve Their Goals

    For many personal trainers, the most rewarding aspect of their job is being able to help others achieve their fitness goals. Whether it's losing weight, gaining muscle, or improving overall health, personal trainers have the opportunity to make a positive impact on their clients' lives.

    Constant Learning and Growth

    As a personal trainer, you are constantly learning and growing in your knowledge of fitness and nutrition. This not only benefits your clients, but it also allows you to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and techniques in the industry. This can also open up opportunities for specialization and further career advancement.

    The Challenges of Personal Training Jobs

    Irregular Income

    One of the biggest challenges of being a personal trainer is the irregular income. Since most personal trainers are paid per session, their income can fluctuate depending on the number of clients they have and their availability. This can make it difficult to budget and plan for the future.

    Physical Demands

    Personal training is a physically demanding job, as trainers are constantly on their feet and demonstrating exercises for their clients. This can lead to fatigue and potential injuries if proper self-care and rest are not prioritized.

    Client Retention

    Retaining clients can also be a challenge for personal trainers. It takes time and effort to build a strong client base, and it can be disheartening when clients drop off or cancel sessions. This is why it's important for personal trainers to continuously provide quality service and build strong relationships with their clients.


    Personal training jobs offer a unique blend of flexibility, fulfillment, and challenges. It's important to weigh both the pros and cons before pursuing this career path. If you are passionate about fitness and helping others, and are willing to put in the hard work and dedication, then personal training may be the perfect job for you.

    Are you a personal trainer? What do you love most about your job? Let us know in the comments below.
    Perks and Challenges of Personal Training Jobs Personal training is a rewarding and fulfilling career choice for those who are passionate about fitness and helping others achieve their goals. However, like any job, there are both perks and challenges that come with being a personal trainer. In this article, we will break down the pros and cons of personal training jobs to help you decide if it is the right career path for you. The Perks of Personal Training Jobs Flexibility and Autonomy One of the biggest perks of being a personal trainer is the flexibility and autonomy it offers. Unlike a traditional 9-5 job, personal trainers have the freedom to create their own schedules and work with clients at times that are convenient for both parties. This allows for a better work-life balance and the ability to pursue other interests or hobbies. Helping Others Achieve Their Goals For many personal trainers, the most rewarding aspect of their job is being able to help others achieve their fitness goals. Whether it's losing weight, gaining muscle, or improving overall health, personal trainers have the opportunity to make a positive impact on their clients' lives. Constant Learning and Growth As a personal trainer, you are constantly learning and growing in your knowledge of fitness and nutrition. This not only benefits your clients, but it also allows you to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and techniques in the industry. This can also open up opportunities for specialization and further career advancement. The Challenges of Personal Training Jobs Irregular Income One of the biggest challenges of being a personal trainer is the irregular income. Since most personal trainers are paid per session, their income can fluctuate depending on the number of clients they have and their availability. This can make it difficult to budget and plan for the future. Physical Demands Personal training is a physically demanding job, as trainers are constantly on their feet and demonstrating exercises for their clients. This can lead to fatigue and potential injuries if proper self-care and rest are not prioritized. Client Retention Retaining clients can also be a challenge for personal trainers. It takes time and effort to build a strong client base, and it can be disheartening when clients drop off or cancel sessions. This is why it's important for personal trainers to continuously provide quality service and build strong relationships with their clients. Conclusion Personal training jobs offer a unique blend of flexibility, fulfillment, and challenges. It's important to weigh both the pros and cons before pursuing this career path. If you are passionate about fitness and helping others, and are willing to put in the hard work and dedication, then personal training may be the perfect job for you. Are you a personal trainer? What do you love most about your job? Let us know in the comments below.
    Personal Training
    Looking for expert personal training in Singapore? RAW's certified trainers are here to create customised fitness plan to help you reach your goals.
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  • What is a personal training gym?

    A fitness center that offers clients individualized coaching and training services is known as a personal training gym. Unlike regular gyms, personal training clubs focus on specialized attention and tailored exercise routines. Personal trainers collaborate with clients to establish fitness objectives and design personalized exercise programs to assist in achieving those objectives. These gyms might provide private training sessions or training sessions for small groups.

    Benefits of a Personal Training Gym

    Personal training gyms provide numerous benefits for individuals looking to improve their fitness and overall health, including:

    Personalized attention: Personal trainers collaborate closely with clients to create customized workout schedules that are suited to their fitness objectives and capabilities.

    Expert guidance: Personal trainers collaborate closely with clients to create customized workout schedules that are suited to their fitness objectives and capabilities.

    Accountability: Personal trainers assist customers in maintaining accountability by monitoring their development, giving criticism, and providing encouragement and inspiration.

    Variety: To keep clients interested and motivated, personal training gyms may include a number of workout options, such as strength training, cardio, and functional training.

    Access to equipment: Personal training gyms typically provide access to a range of gym equipment and amenities, including weights, cardio machines, and recovery tools.

    Why Join a Personal Training Gym?

    There are many reasons why you may want to consider joining a personal training gym, including:

    Individualized attention: Personal trainers provide one-on-one attention to ensure perfect form and technique while closely collaborating with clients to create tailored training routines.

    Goal-oriented training: Whether your focus is on shedding pounds, gaining strength, or improving your endurance, personal trainers can assist you in setting and achieving particular fitness objectives.

    Accountability and motivation: By monitoring progress and offering encouragement and support, personal trainers keep clients accountable and motivated.

    Expert guidance: Personal trainers may offer expert assistance and advise to help you reach your goals safely and successfully since they have a wealth of fitness expertise and experience.

    Access to equipment and amenities: A variety of gym amenities and equipment, such as weights, cardio machines, and recuperation tools, are frequently accessible in personal training gyms, which can improve your workout.
    What is a personal training gym? A fitness center that offers clients individualized coaching and training services is known as a personal training gym. Unlike regular gyms, personal training clubs focus on specialized attention and tailored exercise routines. Personal trainers collaborate with clients to establish fitness objectives and design personalized exercise programs to assist in achieving those objectives. These gyms might provide private training sessions or training sessions for small groups. Benefits of a Personal Training Gym Personal training gyms provide numerous benefits for individuals looking to improve their fitness and overall health, including: Personalized attention: Personal trainers collaborate closely with clients to create customized workout schedules that are suited to their fitness objectives and capabilities. Expert guidance: Personal trainers collaborate closely with clients to create customized workout schedules that are suited to their fitness objectives and capabilities. Accountability: Personal trainers assist customers in maintaining accountability by monitoring their development, giving criticism, and providing encouragement and inspiration. Variety: To keep clients interested and motivated, personal training gyms may include a number of workout options, such as strength training, cardio, and functional training. Access to equipment: Personal training gyms typically provide access to a range of gym equipment and amenities, including weights, cardio machines, and recovery tools. Why Join a Personal Training Gym? There are many reasons why you may want to consider joining a personal training gym, including: Individualized attention: Personal trainers provide one-on-one attention to ensure perfect form and technique while closely collaborating with clients to create tailored training routines. Goal-oriented training: Whether your focus is on shedding pounds, gaining strength, or improving your endurance, personal trainers can assist you in setting and achieving particular fitness objectives. Accountability and motivation: By monitoring progress and offering encouragement and support, personal trainers keep clients accountable and motivated. Expert guidance: Personal trainers may offer expert assistance and advise to help you reach your goals safely and successfully since they have a wealth of fitness expertise and experience. Access to equipment and amenities: A variety of gym amenities and equipment, such as weights, cardio machines, and recuperation tools, are frequently accessible in personal training gyms, which can improve your workout.
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  • 0 Comments 0 Shares 344 Views 0 Reviews
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